Join Neil in “Journeys Beyond The Threshold” – audio recording from the Lakeside Theater, at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York in 2016.
Immerse yourself in hours of inspiring metaphysical and esoteric exploration, as Neil Kramer presents new pathways toward illumination, fulfillment, and harmony.
Seven complete sessions, featuring new lectures and audience Q&A, together with companion PDF document with seminar images. A widely respected figure in mystical, spiritual, and alternative communities, Kramer guides you on a transformational journey of the human soul, offering real-world applications of mystical wisdom to help realize your higher aspirations and simply make life better.
Topics include: Thresholds, Aspirants, The Uplifting Mysterium, The Supernal Path, Personality Vs Self, Plotinus, Our Sacred Work, The All, The Wisdom Stream, Embodiment, Political Meltdown, Three Attainments, Still Wisdom & Moving Wisdom, Sensitivity, Equilibrium, Unconscious Agreements, Love On The Path, Circular Being, Sexual Energy, Wildness, Shape Of The Earth, Cloaking, Changing Dreams, New Age Diversions, Conduct And Composure, We Bring Earth Changes.
“Quality, quality, quality. Full of life and wisdom! Consistently inspiring and elevating. There is something in his voice that gives me faith in humankind again.”
“An absolute pleasure. Such vision – he describes the indescribable and brings the sacred world to life. I can’t get enough. I want more!”
“Another new gem of esoteric awesomeness from Kramer. I’ve been on the path for nearly 60 years, and believe me this guy is the real deal. Get this recording and you’ll listen over and over again.”
“Fantastic! Neil cuts right to the heart of things and makes the world an adventure, whatever your age. He puts into words what I feel in my heart. Thank you for being here.”
“A total joy to listen to. I never tire of Neil’s beautiful spiritual insights. His unshakable sincerity and radiating wisdom are rare things in the modern world. Next time I will be in the audience!”
“Better and better. Kramer’s innovative thinking is always richly-layered and his own personal deepening is ever more evident. Always eloquent and authentic, his words of power are music to my ears.”
“Love Neil Kramer! Every time something fresh and energizing. I’m always discovering something new listening to Neil’s incredibly positive approach to life’s challenges. Download and enjoy.”
- DOWNLOAD WITH A COMPUTER AND USE WI-FI, NOT A MOBILE DEVICE / CONNECTION. The download is a single ZIP file, containing several MP3 files. The ZIP file is best downloaded on a computer with a strong wi-fi connection (stable, high-bandwidth). Once downloaded, the ZIP file can be unzipped, and the resultant MP3 files played directly, or transferred onto any other device.
- Most modern computers can handle ZIP files with built-in software. In case you cannot, there are various free apps out there, just google: free zip software. Once you have unzipped the contents, you can then play the MP3 files directly, or transfer onto your mobile device. Some Apple and Android mobile devices may not know what to do with a ZIP file directly – but they play MP3 files no problem – so use a computer to download, unzip, and then transfer the MP3 files onto your mobile device.
- Use the Contact page on this site if you have any questions or issues.
Cost: $20. To purchase, you can use a standard credit or debit card, or your PayPal account.
1. CLICK THE ‘BUY NOW’ BUTTON BELOW and follow the instructions (PayPal & E-junkie process the payment and file download).