Explore deep esoteric cosmologies in Neil Kramer’s unique audio workshop “Knowing The Mystery”. 2015.
Enlivening, instructive, and heartening, Neil shares applied spiritual wisdom designed to bring truth and fulfillment into daily life. Inquire into the enigmatic super-structures of reality and the everyday miracles of transformation and beauty that characterize our world.
Hours of material to contemplate and enjoy. Six complete sessions, featuring new lectures and a full audience Q&A session, together with companion PDF documents with seminar images.
Neil offers fresh insights into: the fire of truth, the essence of the inner work, understanding energetic geometry, spark of the spoken word, divine nous, emotional alchemy, dissolving drama, solid spiritual foundations, eternal ancient lore, friendly apocalypses, poetic warriors, emerging identities, changing histories, stopping the pain cycle, the circle of awareness, life as a test, virtual worlds, the enchanted forest, reality tunnels and bubbles, immolation before illumination.
As personal, cultural, and planetary transitions gather pace, Neil Kramer presents a rejuvenating living philosophy that cultivates greater understanding of these shifts, recognizing them as a unique evolutionary springboard for deeper growth and truthfulness.
Listener Feedback
“Remarkable from start to finish. Awesome listening. So much to learn and Neil makes it a total pleasure. I don’t know anyone as authentic and naturally wise. He is the real thing.” WARREN
“Neil shares a school of wisdom that resonates far truer to me than any other I have encountered. This workshop is a hearty serving, with Kramer’s usual refined blend of mind-blowing stuff for newcomers, deeper cleaving for serious students. Well worth your investment.” MARY
“Brimming with precious insights. I’ve been watching Neil for years. Extraordinary thinker. Never ceases to amaze me. This recording ties together so much and helped me clarify some of the most profound reflections of life.” PETER
“A rejuvenating wake-up call. Loved every minute. Neil is a champion of the individual and we badly need this in the world today. If you’re wondering whether to get this, don’t waste any more time. Just get it!” TOM
“Stunning. The best yet. I have Kramers recordings permanently on my smartphone. I listen to them a lot. Consistently enriching and stimulating esoteric knowledge. I love his mind, his voice, his power. Thank you for what you do.” LUCY
“This is a must. Such high quality and full of integrity. I don’t see any ego here. Just a genuine man who enjoys exploring existence and sharing his observations. Very very rare these days.” ANTHONY
“A class act. Neil perfectly illustrates what an astonishing and mysterious world we live in. Depth and sparkle. I laughed and cried and laughed again. What an adventure. I thank you deeply.” SERA
- DOWNLOAD WITH A COMPUTER AND USE WI-FI, NOT A MOBILE DEVICE / CONNECTION. The download is a single ZIP file, containing several MP3 files. The ZIP file is best downloaded on a computer with a strong wi-fi connection (stable, high-bandwidth). Once downloaded, the ZIP file can be unzipped, and the resultant MP3 files played directly, or transferred onto any other device.
- Most modern computers can handle ZIP files with built-in software. In case you cannot, there are various free apps out there, just google: free zip software. Once you have unzipped the contents, you can then play the MP3 files directly, or transfer onto your mobile device. Some Apple and Android mobile devices may not know what to do with a ZIP file directly – but they play MP3 files no problem – so use a computer to download, unzip, and then transfer the MP3 files onto your mobile device.
- Any questions – please use the Contact page on this site.
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Cost: $20. To purchase, simply use a standard credit or debit card. You don’t need a PayPal account to purchase with PayPal. If you do have a PayPal account, you can login as normal.
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